Drama: Drama is when people bring about unnecessary hardships in their own and/or others lives. People with drama are usually immature and their personalities are seriously lacking in regards to the respect of others.
A person with a lone wolf mentality is generally not a socialite by nature. But, we tend to adapt to our surroundings, whenever needed. Lone wolves must be willing to also walk amongst society in order to survive. That is a fact. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy being people whenever I need to be. Yet, I am more happier when I am all by myself. This is my lone wolf way.
At times, I catch myself looking at the people that I am around and wonder why people tend to want to keep some type of drama on purpose in their life. I tend to not understand why there are people in this world that choose to want to more of a pain others than they really need to be. A lot of times I rather enjoy doing something on my own than having to deal with anyone that rather attempt to make the event more about themselves than about the group as a whole. With that being said, I am not anti-social. I am really quite the opposite. I enjoy interacting with people; but, I just choose to find as much "me time" as I can possibly obtain. "Me time" is my sanctuary away from the unnecessary drama and insanity of the world. This is my lone wolf way.
I never want to be a potential contributor to any ones' self-fulfilling drama. There is nothing wrong with venting with someone that you trust. that's what friends do for one another. But, a person with a lone wolf mentality have to be really cautious with those they may choose to confide their innermost problems and/or issues. Regardless, a person with a lone wolf mentality will never be known a person "with drama". Drama is something negative; and, I am not about the negativity in my life.
A person with a lone wolf mentality tends to stay away from unnecessary drama. There is nothing to be gained from allowing unnecessary drama into their lives. I've stayed away from relationships, at the drop of a hat, if I met a woman that seemed to want to keep some type of unnecessary drama in their life. I let go of friends with unnecessary drama in their lives even faster. And, any associates with unnecessary drama in their lives don't even have my cell phone number; or, I don't answer their texts or phone calls.
Am I wrong for having this type of mentality when it comes to unnecessary drama. Well, get over it because deep down inside you know that I am right about this subject. If you enjoy hanging out with people that choose to keep unnecessary drama in their lives, then you have to search deep inside of yourself to find out why. Do you see your life being so insignificant that you have to keep people with that type of drama around you? Are you afraid of hurting their feelings if you remove these type of people from your life? Or, do you think you can somehow attempt to help these type of people through their unnecessary drama? If you answer "yes" to any of these questions, then you fail to realise that you are also a person that have "unnecessary drama" in your life.
A person with a lone wolf mentality should rather choose to face the wilderness alone in the blistering cold than to hang out with anyone that feel like they must have unnecessary drama in their own life. This is my lone wolf way.
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