Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Does "inner-self" helps a person with a lone wolf mentality?

Inner-self (noun): a person's true or internal mind, soul, or nature.

As stated many of times to people, I am a loner in heart and soul. I find myself at time being difficult about sharing my feelings with others. Yet, I am honest about my shortcomings as a person with a lone wolf mentality.  I find it very easy to have embraced my "inner-self" this past year. I love relying on my inner-self because, when it really comes down to wanting to obtain the things that strive for in life, it will usually come down to me making it happen for myself. and, if one doesn't trust their own-self, then how one be able to rely on their instincts for guidance through their situations in life. This inner-self trait should be apart of every person that has the mentality of a lone wolf mentality. 

Let me know if you ever heard this story in your personal life: You have always been there for people whether it was loaning a friend some money through a rough time, helping them through a tough or sticky situation that was occurring in their life, or something along that line of being that "friend in need". But, when it comes to you needing a friend to return that favour or pay you back the money you have loaned them  when you needed it back, they somehow find it easy to let you down. Yet, you still have to find a way to now get yourself through that rough patch or needed situation. Developing an inner-self and not cracking under the weight of whatever problem that you may be enduring is a good trait to possess. I can't say that I am a "master" of my inner-self. I just managed to develop a consistent way to make the necessary adjustments and/or sacrifices in my life in order to be able to find my way through that "long tunnel" or situation. When a person has the mentality of a lone wolf, that person can be able to obtain and maximise their inner-self. Inner-self is a sure way to survive through these current days of uncertainty in one's life.  

Having the ability to rely on oneself to get through a situation, also must work on the other side of knowing when to allow others into your trust to also help you get through a situation. Until I learn to be more comfortable with this part of inner-self, I will still be a long way from mastering this trait. All I can do is be patient and hope that one day I can be as trusting of others with helping me through a situation as I can easily breath air. I need to learn how to apply my inner-self to aide me with my family, friendships, and work environments or I will never be able to relieve the "weight of the world" feelings off my shoulders. The mentality of a person with a lone wolf mentality is simple: "When there is you, there is a way..." We don't make excuses for our shortcomings, we don't mistreat others, and we don't allow other to over-abuse our kindness. Inner-self help regulate my internal mind, soul, and nature. I have not made it this far without relying on my inner-self. But, I also know that I would not have made this far in life without trusting others. Hence, a person with a lone wolf mentality must continue to rely on their inner-self in order to be able keep their mind, body and spirit in harmony in their daily life experiences. I shall continue to strive to make inner-self a part my lone wolf way...

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