On a daily basis, I must deal with the struggles of life whether I want to do so or not. Some days are easier than others. Some matters must take priorities over others. But, in the end, some things will sometimes be out of your ability to control or resolve for that day or ever. A person with a lone wolf mentality must comes to terms with the latter sentence, including me.
How do I deal with the fact that I am sometimes not the
"Master of my Universe"? Well, I've been saying a mantra that seems to get me through those uncontrollable situations or times, "... It is what it is..." This is as simple as a mantra that I can give myself to get through those days where I am about to feel overwhelmed with worry over something personal, work-related, or even financial. Otherwise, I would just give up on everything and let everything that have ever gained in life just slip away. This is not the way of a person with a lone wolf mentality.
I seem to be a person that is emotionally driven when facing a challenge in my life. The greater the challenge that I am facing for my situation, the more I seem to become more motivated to get through that situation. What's funny to me is that a lot of these struggles in life can usually be attributed to me causing them. So, of course, I will have to be the one to figure out a way to get through my "screw ups". I just hate to admit to myself when I must come to terms with myself when I cannot solve my own problems and must leave it to others to help me with my problems. I think I feel this way cause I fear how others will think of me for not being about to solve me own problems. Silly, I know. But, I can't help how I feel. This is one of the side effects of being a person of a lone wolf mentality: I fear the chance that someone that you have helped in the past won't come back to return the favour. So, I choose not to even ask a friend for assistance in thinking that they will disappointment me in not helping me in my time of need. This has been my lone wolf way.
But, in perspective, if I didn't have these challenges in life to face, I wouldn't know what I am capable of accomplishing on my own without others helping me. Everyone experiences life's "ups and downs" on a daily basis. As much as it pains me, I have things in my life that I hate dealing with and having to depends on others for assistance. But, "It is what it is." A person with a lone wolf mentality must accept that fact and move on with their life. This is my lone wolf way...