I don't have a reason to be upset with the way that I have been living my life, thus far. A person with a Lone Wolf mentality shouldn't be upset with anyone but themselves, if they are not living the life that they are currently want to live. A person with a Lone Wolf mentality is the "masters of their own fate" with their life. So, a person with ta Lone Wolf mentality should do something to better their life if they have any issues with they way that have been living it up until now. There are no excuses for not doing so by now.
Yes, from time to time, our life will be affected by others that may attempt to domesticate us, or make us more docile to their will, during one of their controlled environments. But, a person with a Lone Wolf mentality can adjust to the will of another without losing the essence of who they are while enduring through that adjusted environment. There is no shame to a person with a Lone Wolf mentality to adjust to any environment, or circumstance, in order to be able to endure through that ordeal or situation. This is the way of the Lone Wolf's existence. And, while we exist in this world, we attempt to be as much as a positive influence in society as possible. "Damn all others, who may attempt to set themselves against us all around."
Life is a book with many chapters that are yet to be written as we continue to journey through it. The ending of our life's book, is finished when photos, audio/video recordings, or our loved ones' memories of us no longer exist to the point that we are only thought of in spirit. Until then, a person with Lone Wolf mentality shouldn't stay focused on the past when they still have so much to live for in the present. A person with a Lone Wolf mentality respects the lives of those that have came before before us, those that we were blessed to have interacted with while they were still alive, and attempt to pass on their memories onto others until we are no longer able to do so. This should be the basic philosophy of the Lone Wolf way.
I attempt to keep my life as simple as possible. I enjoy chilling from time to time at my place of refuge in order to keep myself grounded. I mingle with others to remember why I need to continue to be a positive example to others without trying to exert my way of thinking upon others. And, I will continue to stay away from any unnecessary drama as much as possible that may come either my family members or friends. This is how a person with a Lone Wolf mentality can usually keep their life more feasible to endure on a day to day basis. This is my Lone Wolf way...